Sunday, November 28, 2010

Isaac's Safari Room

We decided to go with a Safari theme for Isaac's room. After the gender reveal party that we found out we were having a boy, I came up with this idea. I wanted something unique and colorful!
Colorful room, happy baby!
I got these chip paint samples from Home Depot and loved the combination! I was lucky enough to find a crib bedding set that went perfect with the colors.
We decided for the main colors of the room to be lime green and brown. Accent colors: we used blue, orange and tan. I think he is going to love his room!
We still need to finish putting up some decorations, but they are mostly pictures. We have to wait until he is born. I am thinking of doing some cool picture transfer canvas for his room. They will have that antique/vintage look. Hopefully they will turn out good! On one side of the wall, I will have 12 small canvas (8X10), one for each month until he turns 1. I can just picture it! Above his crib, I will have three large canvas; 2 with his newborn pictures and one with all his birth info. We cant wait to meet our baby Isaac!
We took out the carpet and put laminate! It looks better!

Instead of a dresser, I bought these cubbies that I found at Target! They have these cute colorful baskets! The colors go perfect!

I really wanted stripes for the main wall, and I got them! It was a lot of work, but worth it!

During the gender reveal party, we received a lot of diapers and wipes!

I love this organizer!

Finished painting! Look how cute the colors look together!

I absolutely love the crib bedding! Thanks Jen!

Some of Isaac's clothes!

I found these cute vinyl decals and love them! This is the wall where I will have 12 small canvas for his pictures!

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