Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!!

We had a wonderful Christmas eve, and we are having a wonderful Christmas day! Believe it or not, even on the morning of Christmas eve, I was still buying presents!!! I even wrapped them a couple of hours before opening! I know, such a late shopper! ;) I had received my check that same day, so that's I why we bought presents yesterday!

We went to church around 7, came back around 10 p.m. We ate dinner, hang out for a little and opened presents! We always play a game where each puts $1 and gives a guess of how many gifts under the tree. Who ever is the closest, wins the money! Its a tradition! I think the most gifts we've ever had was close to 200, but we had family over that time! This time, there were 93 gifts under the tree. My brother Javier was the closest! But being the nice brother he is, he gave the money to my youngest brother Daniel!

Yuliana, my niece got the most gifts of all!! But of course, she is the baby! I almost went broke buying her stuff! She probably has clothes for a whole year!

We all got very nice gifts! We had a really good time. We laughed a lot, talked, prayed, took pictures, hugs, kisses etc... xoxo... We had a great time as a family during this wonderful day, the birth of Jesus Christ. We always celebrate in big!

Here are some pictures that we took! Enjoy!

Look how beautiful Yuliana looked! She was our little Christmas gift!

Our first Christmas together as husband and wife!

Even Princess our chihuahua had her little Christmas gift!

So this was the last gift we gave to my parents! Finally after 9 months, we have our wedding pictures! I will post wedding pictures soon!

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